Thursday, November 29, 2007

Bookstore Fiasco

So I went into a book store recently, and although I didn't find the book I was looking for, I did leave with a quick story that I'd like to share. Perhaps you will be as mortified as I was...

The book store in question is a small, mom-and-pop shop that sells used books. There is a general organizational scheme, but it basically resembles a flea market in the sense that there are several places that you might find any one particular thing. I took advantage of the semi-sloppy organization to approach a fairly cute girl that worked there and ask her if she could help me locate the book I was looking for (God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, by Kurt Vonnegut). Typically, I have a thing for girls that work in book stores (I’ve dated a couple), but after I asked her about locating Vonnegut within the mayhem of their store, she gave me a baffled look and asked "Who's Kurt Vonnegut?", and I was instantly turned off. I think she noticed that a part of me recoiled in horror when she asked who Vonnegut was, and she tried to cover with “Well, I’ve heard the name, I just don’t know what he wrote." But it was too late - the damage was done. I instantly cited irreconcilable differences and said, “Never mind, I’ll just keep browsing”.

How can you work at a book store and not know who Kurt Vonnegut is?

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